Never underestimate the power of video. Video was 2016’s hottest content format and brands are taking advantage of this by creating ads that exude the spirit of the holidays.

Here are some of them:

H&M’s Come Together

The film stars The Pianist star Adrien Brody and directed by Wes Anderson, the man behind Oscar winner The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Royal Tenenbaums.

The video tells the story of the passengers who were stuck in a train during Christmas Eve. All the characters are wearing H&M’s winter collection wear.

Allegro’s English for Beginners

Allegro is a well-known online auction site and this year, they have decided to share a story about a Polish grandpa who wanted to learn English so he can communicate to his grandson who grew up in America.

John Lewis’ Buster the Boxer


John Lewis is an online selling site that specializes on household items and gifts for every member of the family. This year, they created a Christmas story that focuses on every family’s favorite member, their beloved pet.

The video features Buster the Boxer who wanted to play on a trampoline to his heart’s content.

Sainsbury’s The Greatest Gift


A well-known supermarket chain, Sainsbury has a tradition of creating heartwarming Christmas ads every year. For 2016, they produced an animated video about a dad deciding what he can give his family for Christmas. The story is presented in a musical narrative form, with the dad’s lines being voiced and sung by actor-host James Corden.

Apple’s Frankie’s Holiday


If Frankenstein was alive today, how do you think he will celebrate Christmas? This is a story about good ol’ Frankie who just wants to be with someone on Christmas day.

If there’s one thing we can learn from these brands on how to create videos that capture your viewer’s truly touch the heart, it’s that viewers consume stories and not products. And you definitely want your brand to be associated with good vibes and feelings. So take advantage of this holiday season and use video to spread happiness and cheers.
